Friday, May 16, 2014

Humanity, Resurrected

Miracles ahead
April was indeed the roughest month, for people and around the globe. For May though, and for some, I see hope ahead.

You really don't see how much hard work that requires, do you? (I just entered 'publish' when I meant 'save', LOL) Must be the Twitter influence, I was going to leave as is :)

I know my outlook is often bleak, and . I wish it were not so, but that's how it is. Clarity always comes at a price, and obstacles are obstacles.

But someone asked for help, and I offered. I hope it did help. And another, whom I came across recently, is now walking. Perhaps, humanity needs to learn to walk before it can run.

There's a thing about miracles.

Miracles come
not because
we demand
nor deserve
it is
random and
it is
We exist
from miracle
to miracle
Life, Death
Peace, Joy,
And Love.
I see hope for humanity.


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